An inspired lifestyle must be molded and shaped. It doesn’t happen by chance. And the transition to retirement can be both exciting and scary at the same time.
Grey Power© coaching is a thought-provoking creative process that allows participants to explore retirement from a fresh perspective. It clarifies important goals and dreams. Grey Power Coaching can help you, discover, design, and direct the lifestyle you want.

You decide how you want to meet. In person. By Phone. By video conference. And you have access to me via phone and email in between coaching sessions. You can count on me to be there for you. Our coaching meetings are strictly confidential and customized to your specific needs. No matter the duration of coaching, the following elements are always included:
- A complimentary coaching conversation to understand your needs
- Clear objectives to provide focus during coaching
- A schedule that works for you
- A discovery process to identify opportunities
- A roadmap of all you want to achieve
- An exploration of obstacles that can get in the way
- A celebration of what’s to come
As a professional trained coach, I adhere to the code of ethics set out by the International Coach Federation, www.coachfederation.org/ethics
A copy is available on request. Count on me to be there for you, every step of the way.
Not sure coaching is for you? Try a complimentary session, without further obligation.
“Dianne’s coaching strengths are outstanding. Her judgement is sound and her advice always practical and realistic.”
10 ways coaching can help
Coaching engages you in a process of self-discovery, planning, and empowers you to define what’s next. Coaching is mindful awareness and rich conversations, one-on-one, as couples or in small groups. It allows space for new perspectives to emerge and supports meaningful change.
Coaching applies techniques gained through specialized training and based on positive psychology principals. Through practical and insightful exercises, questions, and discussions, you gain clarity around your goals and create possibilities to achieve them. During the coaching process you will:
- Explore what is possible without making any commitment.
- Bring attention to the unfinished business in your life.
- Create a lifestyle roadmap inspired from the heart, not the head.
- Focus your energies on what matters most now.
- Identify the things that no longer serve you and let them go.
- Identify gaps between the lifestyle you want and your financial situation.
- Identify barriers that can get in the way and explore solutions.
- Identify any gaps between your goals and your partner’s.
- Create a meaningful ritual to make this and meaningful transition.
- Focus on building the legacy you want.
Following coaching, you will have a clearer purpose for the retirement lifestyle you want. You will have identified the steps that will help you live that lifestyle. You will know how to translate your plans into actions. You will gain confidence to achieve all that’s possible during this exciting time of your life.