Taking Your Very Own Heroine’s Journey

A wise professor once asked: “How can we know where we’re going if we don’t understand where we’ve been?” Taking a hero’s journey allows us to do just that – to consider where we’ve been and what we’ve accomplished so that we create goals that are inspiring and aligned with where we want to go.

Life is lived at warp speed today and it’s easy to spend all your energies in reaction mode, doing what needs to be done and forgetting about your most important goals.  But at what cost?  When you’re too busy living you lose yourself in the process.  You need time to step back, reflect and plan more intentionally for what’s next.  By taking stock you can:

  1. Look at what’s working well in your life and build on it.
  2. Identify what needs attention in different aspects of your life.
  3. Understand what values and principles guide your life and work.
  4. Understand the challenges that keep getting the way.
  5. Learn to draw on your inner strengths and wisdom.

Why don’t you give yourself the gift of time and take stock of your life to see what emerges. You’ll amaze yourself with all that you’ve accomplished and what’s working well.  You’ll gain clarity on what you need to pay more attention to.  You’ll embark on your very own journey. All aboard!